Companies and executives

We advise company executives on the proprietary aspects of each of the key stages in their personal and/or professional lives.

Running a business involves daily challenges, with often rapid and complex decision-making. As company executives too, we understand the issues and challenges our clients face. That’s why it is essential for executives to have solid, efficient partners to guide them through the legal and tax formalities, from setting up a business and developing it, right through to the end of its activities or its sale.

Backed by solid experience and renowned expertise in the legal, tax and banking fields, we provide assistance to company executives, particularly for all transactions relating to the transfer of businesses, while ensuring that the interests of executive shareholders and their families are protected. We adjust our working methods to match the profile and expectations of each of our clients, after studying their personal, family, and professional situation.

Areas of expertise

Corporate law and company incorporation (non-trading (property) companies and commercial companies), capital transactions, mergers, and transfers of assets
Organisation of business transfers, with due regard to assets and governance / LBOs
Corporate property restructuring and refinancing
Lease and business law

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