Call for applications – Call for tenders

The French State, represented by the Agence de Gestion et de Recouvrement des Avoirs Saisis et Confisqués (AGRASC) (Agency for the Management and Recovery of Seized and Confiscated Assets), is selling, by sealed tender, two co-ownership lots belonging to a property complex located in PARIS sixteenth district (75016) 38 avenue Foch (hereinafter the “Property”).

These two co-ownership lots are being offered for sale together, so any offer will have to be for both lots.

Failing this, the said tender will be rejected.

The sale is only open to legal entities producing all the documents mentioned below.

The French State reserves the right not to proceed with the consultation, or to interrupt it, at any time and for any reason whatsoever without the candidates being able to claim any compensation of any kind whatsoever.

Description of Property

See below for a description of the Property

Description of property

Consultation process

The consultation process is detailed in a note which can be consulted below.

Consultation process

Provisional timetable for the call for applications and the call for tenders

  • Period for the call for applications:

Candidates must send their application file: from the time of advertising until 17 July 2024 at 12 noon at the latest (Paris local time) to the following e-mail address:

  • Period for the call for tenders

Access to the Information File from: 09 September 2024.

Visiting period: from 09 to 30 September 2024

End of questions for the Information File: 09 October 2024 at 18 noon (Paris time)

Deadline for receipt of firm bids: 15 October 2024 at 12 noon (Paris time)

Target date for signature of the deed of sale: 20 December 2024


Visits will take place over a maximum 3-hour period from 09 to 30 September 2024.

Notary Office 137 Notaires will contact the candidates selected for the call for tenders to arrange a time to visit them.

Information on the processing of personal data

Notary office 137 Notaires, a notary appointed by the French State, processes personal data in order to comply with a legal obligation and to carry out a task relating to the exercise of public authority delegated by the State to notaries, who are public officers, in accordance with Order no. 45-2590 of 2 November 1945. The Notary Office has appointed a Data Protection Officer whom the parties can contact at the following address:

This personal data will be processed with a view to carrying out the planned transaction and complying with our legal and regulatory obligations.

The data will be kept for a period of one year from the completion of the service covered by this agreement.

The information mentioned in the paragraph “Contents of the application file (first phase of the consultation)” above concerning the candidate purchaser will be the subject of several processing operations intended for the STATE and AGRASC. The personal data processed will be reserved for use by the STATE and AGRASC and may only be passed on to service providers involved in managing the call for applications. Under no circumstances will this data be used for commercial transactions with third parties.